Tuesday, May 17, 2011

AKOL - using the cloud to feed the developing world

AKOL - using the cloud to feed the developing world: "Learning how to cope with drought and raise productive cows is now just a click away, thanks to a kibbutz-based company's cloud-based software supported by IBM. AKOL gives low-income farmers the ability to get top-level information from professional sources. Food prices are going up, and experts say they will continue to rise, thanks to changing weather patterns and unprecedented drought in the wrong places (Australia, China and Russia) at the wrong time, just when the burgeoning population of the world is using up stored food at an alarming rate. Since much of its land mass is desert, Israel is in a unique position to help these countries and others learn to cope with drought - and Israeli company AKOL has developed an exclusive Internet-based system to share that information with those who need it most. Recently, corporate giant IBM signed a development agreement with the company, whose name is an acronym for Agricultural Knowledge On-Line."

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